Millwall Community Trust’s Walking Football side took part in a tournament at The Lions Centre on Saturday.

West Ham, Pimlico, Downham, Wandle and Millwall were the teams involved with each side playing four matches.

West Ham and Pimlico both scored four goals, Wandle scored 2 and therefore came 3rd, Downham and Millwall didn’t score and came fourth.

However, everyone had a great time and games were played in good spirits as well as being competitive.

Thank you to everyone who donated to helping the Lions Food Hub, which meant  £154 has been raised so far.

Tim Sells, MCT’s Football and Sports Development Manager, said: “I’m delighted everyone enjoyed themselves at The Lions Centre on Saturday afternoon.

“It’s great to hear everyone having fun and playing football in the right spirit, we are already looking forward to events in the future like this one.

“Thank you to Southwark Charities for their continued support which allows us to host these events.”

To find out more about Millwall's Walking Football side, visit: