We've come across some great ways for everyone to remain motivated, active and connected during lockdown. There should be something here for everyone!
STAY MOTIVATED ROUTINE is one of the most important things whether you are working or not:
  • aim to wake up around the same time every day, this helps stabilise your internal clock and improve your sleep overall
  • keep to your established morning routine if you can – get ready, washed, and dressed as and when you usually would have
  •  Government Advice useful guidance regarding mental health and well-being during this period
  • If you have lost work or have been furloughed but wish to continue learning and professional development; check out these free online resources: openlearn and futurelearn
  • Volunteering; whether you reach out to a vulnerable friend or neighbour or sign up to coronavirus-covid-19-volunteering helping others can have a positive effect on your own mental health.
STAY ACTIVE The internet is awash with ways to stay active but here are some of our favourites: For Inclusive and Disability sessions check out: REMEMBER - Relaxing and doing nothing, rest and recovery is every bit is important as staying active!
  • Get creative with how you can connect and share resources with each other.
  • Pick up the phone, Zoom or Skype as much as possible.
  • Encourage friends and family to get involved with online socialising (coffee breaks, quiz nights, pictionary)
  • Talk to someone about any worries you may have.
Limit time spent online either on social media or the news if that's negatively impacting you - if you do need to go to the internet, stick to reliable sources and, if you have someone you trust in your household or who you could call whilst looking, this could help normalise findings and keep things in perspective.
Useful resources if you are feeling overwhelmed: